Karen Abrams Gerber, Ed.D., Founding Partner
Dr. Karen Abrams Gerber envisions a world where people with differing perspectives collaborate to successfully address the most pressing issues facing our culture and society.
For more then twenty years, Karen has worked as an organizational consultant, coach, and researcher for a broad range of companies and not-for-profit organizations. She’s led over one hundred workshops and consults extensively in both North America and Israel, drawing on her background in leadership development, conflict resolution, diversity awareness, relationship-building, and organizational dynamics.
She is passionate about facilitating effective dialogue and transformative change at all levels, from the individual to the societal. Her work with Rally Point supports leaders and their organizations to further develop essential capacities for collaboration across diverse worldviews.
Her strengths lie not only in her rigorous academic credentials, but her ability to transform a climate where people feel insecure, confused and undervalued into one where each individual is seen, heard and valued.
Rally Point’s work builds on a theoretical model derived from Karen’s dissertation research. The model identifies five interdependent and replicable capacities that serve as the basis for a dynamic model for societal transformation.
Karen brings a curious mind and an open heart to her work as she supports her clients to communicate effectively and productively across their differences. She holds a B.A. from Stanford University, an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, and an Ed.D. in Adult Learning & Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University.
She lives with her husband and daughter in New York City.